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True faith resonates during Warrnambool evangelical mission


Posted: March 16, 2024

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The Warrnambool, Victoria Group Worship Service (GWS) conducted an evangelical mission at the Archie Graham Community Center in Warrnambool, Victoria on February 11, 2024.

Guests listened intently to God’s words preached by Brother Nolly Esperanza, assistant supervising minister of the Ecclesiastical District of Australia West. He expounded on the true Church Of Christ according to the Bible.

Many of the guests said that the study of God’s words ignited their desire to know more about the Church and His teachings it upholds. “The preaching was interesting. The minister would read from the Bible the answer to raised questions for explanation,” said guest Royston Lowe, who is a member of Church of England, a Protestant church.

Florida Bridgman, Filipino Community of Warrnambool president, was also among the guests. “I thank the Church Of Christ for this initiative during which I received God’s words. I’m inspired. I learned about His promises to the true Church, such as the Holy City.” – With reports from Jennelin Guanzon of INC News Section