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MME evangelical mission highlights significance of the true Church


Posted: April 8, 2024

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Lardo Tabucanon, a guest from San Juan Congregation, said that “the lesson made me truly understand the importance of membership in the Church Of Christ, that it is very much needed to be saved on Judgment Day.”

The noble task of making known God’s words to as many people as possible has been once more proven by Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members in the Ecclesiastical District of Metro Manila East through the district-wide evangelical mission they actively participated in on March 26, 2024.

Led by Brother Angelo Eraño V. Manalo, the Christian Family Organizations (CFO) Coordinator, the evangelistic activity was held in the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Ilugin. The preaching of God’s words, which conveyed to the guests that it is God’s will for people to become members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo to be saved come Judgment Day, was livestreamed to 32 other local congregations.

Preparation for the evangelical mission began days prior. Included was the handing out of invitation cards and copies of the Pasugo: God’s Message magazine by the brethren to their prospective guests. Most of all, brethren throughout the district held devotional prayers to seek God-given guidance and success.

“Well aware of the ever nearing Judgment Day, we members of the Church always do our best in persuading our fellowmen to listen to God’s teachings,” said Eduardo Torres, a head deacon from San Juan Congregation.

“In total, more than 5,000 guests attended the evangelical mission,” attested Brother Jeavon Caster Zoleta, the district Light of Salvation (LOS) overseer.

“Despite the busy schedules from work and other responsibilities, I see to it that many of my guests will be able to attend, since I’ve prepared well for this evangelical mission,” shared Julius Punzalan, a deacon and area overseer from the Local Congregation of Sampaguita Village.

“The success of today’s evangelical mission would not have been possible without God’s help and guidance. It also serves as undeniable proof of the brethren’s unwavering commitment to their duty of sharing God’s words with our fellowmen,” said Brother Gerino Lalata, the district supervising minister. “Thus, it is but fitting to offer all the glory and praises to God.” – With assistance from Metro Manila East District Multimedia