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Italy South blood donation drive ‘a great turnout’


Posted: April 8, 2024

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The blood donation drive conducted by the Ecclesiastical District of Italy South on March 23, 2024 at the house of worship compound of the Local Congregation of Rome “had a great turnout,” an official of the beneficiary organization said.

Ms. Donatella Pia Dambra, health director of the Associazione Donatori Sangue La Rete di Tutti Odv, an Italian non-profit association, said this after witnessing that many Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members from all congregations in the district came to volunteer as blood donors.

Ms. Dambra said that such great turnout would boost the La Rete di Tutti’s blood supply for donation to its beneficiaries’ medical use. “Thanks to the Church Of Christ for, as always, you are giving us a big help in collecting blood because in Lazio, especially in Rome, we’re lacking [in blood supply].”

Lazio is a west-central region of Italy that comprises the provinces of Roma, Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, and Viterbo. Its principal city is the country’s capital, Rome.

Members and officers of the Christian Medical Dental and Paramedical Society (CMDPS) in the Italy South District facilitated the pertinent procedures, in coordination with the medical personnel of the La Rete di Tutti.

One of them, Ronald Fernandez, CMDPS president from the Rome Congregation attested that “many brethren came today and were happy to be of help to their fellowmen by donating blood.” – With reports from Nicole Constantino of INC News Section